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Sylvia Allen is an internationally recognized professional motivational speaker, corporate sponsorship trainer, and charity fundraising expert. Click to contact us at any time or call 732-946-2711.

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  • Sylvia Allen.


June 23rd, 2020|Comments Off on Zoom-storming!

Whew ... the last two weeks have been unbelievable! Just when the pandemic seemed to be "under control" Minnesota puts itself on the world map with the death of George Floyd. The quote this [Read More]

  • Phase 2

We Are Entering Phase Two

June 23rd, 2020|Comments Off on We Are Entering Phase Two

How many of you are involved in the event business ... whether production, sponsorship, management, implementation?  And, now that we are in phase II for coming out of the COVID "crisis", how are you [Read More]

  • Sponsorship sales.

New Sponsorship Sales Approach In A New Era

April 17th, 2020|Comments Off on New Sponsorship Sales Approach In A New Era

You can't rely on your previous sales strategies and techniques! So, what do you do? First, if your event is postponed, reach out to current sponsors. Assure them their benefits and values from the event are still in place and then say, "What more can I do for you?" Listen to their answers ...

  • Sponsorship sales during Covid outbreak.

How to Save Your Sponsorships in the Face of Cancelled and Postponed Events

April 17th, 2020|Comments Off on How to Save Your Sponsorships in the Face of Cancelled and Postponed Events

As 2020 began, we were all blithely going along our sponsorship sales paths until we ran smack into the stone wall of a global pandemic. As the efforts to contain the COVID-19 outbreak have [Read More]

  • Virtual Wine Festival.

Virtual Wine Festival

April 7th, 2020|Comments Off on Virtual Wine Festival

Now Here! An exciting one-of-a-kind Wine Festival event has come to your living room! Connect personally with top wineries in the New Jersey area to learn not only about their exquisite wines, but also [Read More]

  • Virtual Wine Festival.

Take Time To Think

April 7th, 2020|Comments Off on Take Time To Think

So many of us are task oriented and busy (particularly at this time of year) getting all our ducks in a row for our events ... tents, tables, chairs, vendors, security systems, sound systems [Read More]

  • Overcoe Objections.

Never Take “No” For An Answer

March 17th, 2020|Comments Off on Never Take “No” For An Answer

I THOUGHT THIS WAS my QUOTE!  It turns out Winston Churchill said it! This is a hard concept to grasp because somehow "no" is the end; however, it's not. If you  have children you already [Read More]

How to Have Fun Selling Sponsorships & Be Successful!

February 17th, 2020|Comments Off on How to Have Fun Selling Sponsorships & Be Successful!

Sylvia Allen, owner of Allen Consulting located in Holmdel, NJ, teaches you how to have fun while selling sponsorships and how to be successful at the same time. What is sponsorship? It's an investment in [Read More]

Main Street Event Sponsorship

February 17th, 2020|Comments Off on Main Street Event Sponsorship

Sylvia Allen speaks with Main Street executives about bringing sponsorships to their communities because so many of they are desperate for revenue to continue their powerful four point program.  And, they often dont have the [Read More]

What Do Sponsors Want?

February 17th, 2020|Comments Off on What Do Sponsors Want?

Sylvia Allen, owner of Allen Consulting, teaches conference goers about What Sponsors Want (radio, TV, newspapers, social media, posters, flyers, banners, table tents, tickets) and how to offer each item to your sponsors for greater [Read More]