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Sylvia Allen is an internationally recognized professional motivational speaker, corporate sponsorship trainer, and charity fundraising expert. Click to contact us at any time or call 732-946-2711.
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Local Optimist Club to Sponsor Oratorical Contest for Students
The Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold is encouraging area students to speak their minds about the topic Where are my roots of Optimism as part of the Optimists International Oratorical Contest for the 2017-2018 year. [Read More]
Donate for Christmas to Bring Joy to Children
Your Content Goes Here The students at Mbiriizi Advanced Primary and Day Care School have adopted Sylvia Allen as their "Grandmother," and Sylvia has adopted them. The school has grown and the [Read More]
Help Save Sylvia’s Children
Dear Friend, If you love the work that we are doing through Sylvia's Children, then tell the world! We are going for broke! Would you send us a testimonial letter? You can help us be [Read More]
One of the most heart warming trips to the Mbiriizi School in Uganda is for the Christmas party. We only need four more to make this work. However, need to know no later than [Read More]
MN Preservation features Sylvia Allen in their Magazine
The Preservation Alliance of Minnesota is a private, nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization dedicated to preserving, protecting, and promoting Minnesotas historic resources. PAM is a Statewide Partner of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Sylvia [Read More]
MN Preservation Alliance Benefit Gala
MN Preservation Preservation Alliance of Minnesota 416 Landmark Center 75 W. Fifth St. Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 651.293.9047
Sylvias Children Invites You to Bring Christmas Magic to African Children
For nearly 15 years each holiday season, U.S. travelers have embarked on the trip of a lifetime to a remote village in the East African nation of Uganda, on a volunteer visit led by [Read More]
Calling All Vendors For 2017 Chester Spring Brew Fest
Presented by the Chester Merchants Association, the first-ever Chester Spring Brew Fest will take place next month with nearly 10 featured craft beers. Organizers of the festival are currently putting out the call for [Read More]
Calling All Owners of Historic Holmdel Homes For Annual Historic House Tour
The organizers of the second annual Historic Holmdel House Tour are putting out the call early for owners of historic homes and other historical properties in Holmdel who would like to showcase their property [Read More]
Freehold Sunrise Optimist Foundation Presents 2017 Carmen J. Rivello Friend of Youth Golf Classic, May 22
The Freehold Sunrise Optimist Foundation will once again host its Carmen J. Rivello Friend of Youth Golf Classic, its annual charity golf tournament, on Monday, May 22. The annual golf outing will take place [Read More]