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Holmdel Historical Society Announces Restoration of St. Catharines Church
The Holmdel Historical Society (HHS), which researches, preserves and interprets the history and architectural history of Holmdel, last night voted to move forward on its first order of business a full restoration of the old [Read More]
Upcoming 2017 Wine Festivals in New Jersey
Mark your calendars. Two of New Jerseys most popular wine festivals are once again returning this year. The third-annual Waretown Spring Wine Festival will return on Saturday, April 22rd and Sunday, April 23th in [Read More]
Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold Hosts Annual Souper Bowl Sunday, Feb. 5
The hit 90s TV series Seinfeld made the phrase No soup for you! a part of our cultural language, but on Feb. 5, you wont need to worry about that. There will be plenty of [Read More]
Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold Returns with Fifth Year of Annual Stock Market Challenge Jan 19th
The Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold will once again hold its Annual Stock Market Picking Contest, now in its fifth year, it has been announced today. The annual challenge will kick off on Thursday, Jan. [Read More]
Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold Hosts A Night Of Comedy, Jan. 20
The Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold, along with The Sunrise Optimist Foundation, will present A Night of Comedy, starring a number of New York area comedians, on January 20, 2017, it has been announced today. [Read More]
Holmdel Historical Society Announces First Meeting of 2017, Set for January 10th
The Holmdel Historical Society (HHS), which recently announced a full revitalization as an organization, has announced its first meeting in the new year. Following a highly successful kickoff meeting and pot-luck dinner in December, the [Read More]
Historic Holmdel Christmas House Tour A Success!
Saturday December 3 turned out to be a gorgeous day for the first annual Historic Holmdel house tour! 60+ people enjoyed visiting the Holmdel Community UCC, the village of Holmdel where they saw a former [Read More]
Historic Christmastime Holmdel House Tour
Upcoming Events Historic Holmdel Christmas House Tour December 3rd, 10 am - 4 pm Visit seven beautifully restored historic properties, from the early 1600's to late 1800's including a church [Read More]
Help fund Sylvia’s Children Christmas Party!
The 1200 children at the Mbiriizi Primary school in Uganda are looking forward to their Christmas when the school year ends in 15 days. They are excited not by Game Boys, Legos or iPads, but [Read More]
Historic Christmastime Holmdel House Tour to Benefit Local Charity Doing Work Overseas for Ugandan Orphans
With Holmdel being one of the oldest sites of European settlement in the Garden State, its no surprise that many of its homes date back to the 1600s. But one doesnt often get the opportunity [Read More]